Our workshops are back; and there are even more from which to choose.
For the past few years, we have been offering workshops to help singers, players, and conductor learn new skills and improve the ones already acquired.
This year we have even more offerings for singers, instrumentalists, conductors, and administrators.
The Confident Performer: for singers and players of all levels
We offer five specific workshops at three levels (beginners, intermediate, and advanced): Music reading & rhythm, Efficient preparation, Conducting, Vocal technique, and Singing/performing in tune.
Through these workshops attendees will learn to better read music and develop a stronger sense of rhythm, acquire the tools to efficiently learn a new piece of music and rehearse individually, learn how to produce a healthy sound with ease, develop the ear to sing and perform in tune, and understand what the conductor’s gestures actually mean.
The art of the accompanist
A class specifically designed to learn how to be an efficient accompanist—how to follow the conductor’s indications and how to anticipate what the conductor and the performers need.
Professional conducting workshops
We offer two intensive workshops for conductors. (fall session | winter session)
Whether you direct a church choir, a school vocal ensemble, a chamber group or a large ensemble, these workshops will help you become a more confident director.
Improve your conducting and rehearsal skills. Develop clearer gestures and increase your efficiency in rehearsal.
Grant writing
All the beautiful music making cannot happen without financial support.
Grants are an important part of the financial life of an organization.
If you are new to grant writing or want to refresh your skills, this is the workshop for you.
For further detail on each workshop, visit www.